Moneytree Account Aggregation

Boost client engagement when you offer a clear picture of all their finances in one spot

Account Aggregation gathers a client’s retail accounts, liabilities, investments, and insurance policies in one place in Moneytree.

The great thing about account aggregation is that your client portal becomes the place for your client to get a picture of their entire financial situation. Your site becomes a place they want to visit, which boosts engagement between you and your clients.

Boost engagement
with Account Aggregation

Ask for account aggregation to be activated on your Moneytree Plan® or Advise® license today.
$ 195
per advisor

Onboard and manage accounts more easily

  • Streamline and automate the information-gathering process.
  • Onboard your clients faster and start their planning sooner.
  • Without cumbersome data entry, you can focus on building relationships

More insight = Better plans

By seeing your client’s entire financial picture, you’ll be able to create more comprehensive financial plans tailored to their unique scenario. You will have visibility into retail accounts (checking, savings, etc.), liabilities (credit cards, etc.), investments (individual, retirement, 529s, etc.), and insurance (home, auto, life, disability, etc.).

Frequently Asked Questions

Security is managed by your client’s financial institutions. There is no way to make transactions on the data, and there is no way to make account changes from the Moneytree software. Moneytree and our account aggregator partner, MX, only see what the financial institution and your clients allow us to see.

Our account aggregation partner, MX, has more than 15 years of experience working with banks and credit unions on data aggregation. Their OAuth token technology is the best in the industry which means fewer connections breaking.

Connections may need to be re-verified from time to time, but your financial institution controls the security on your account. Some financial institutions require multi-factor authentication to verify the client’s identity. This used to be a far more common occurrence, but with the recent advances—these occurrences happen less often. All your client needs to do is renew their connection in the account aggregation tool to get updated data when requested.

Sometimes the financial institution your client does business with will categorize a product or service in an unusual manner—or may not categorize something at all. We are ready for that. When you log in to validate the account, you simply click the drop-down and change the category you want to see it in. From there, the system will remember you changed the category to protect you from changing every time the data is updated.

See a Preview of Account Aggregation

You can talk to a Moneytree consultant and see account aggregation in action!